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LifeFocus Retreat Event Replay - April 2024
Replay - Day 1
Replay - Day 2
Replay - Resources
Replay - Michael's Final Visualization Exercise (5:56)
Momentum Coaching Replays
May 2024: Achieve Your LifeFocus with SMARTER Goals (65:49)
June 2024: Protect Your Time with an Ideal Week (59:25)
July 2024: Get Others Involved in Achieving Your Goals (61:22)
August 2024: Say No So You Can Say Yes to Your Goals (51:25)
September 2024: Adjust Your Mindset for Long-Term Achievement (66:12)
October 2024: Triage Your Calendar to Support Your Goals (63:20)
May 2024: Achieve Your LifeFocus with SMARTER Goals
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